Friday, October 1, 2010

The Perfect (Heart Healthy) Baked Potato

Looking for a great recipe for your heart healthy diet? Bring baked potatoes into your menu.

The USDA nutrition facts on a (raw) baked potato: 610mg potassium, 8mg sodium, 0.16g fat - that's a whopping 76:1 potassium to sodium ratio with almost zero fat! Incredible!

Ok, I know, eating a raw baked potato is not that exciting. So, let's dress up a baked potato into a heart healthy (high potassium, low sodium, low fat) treat with some of the following additional ingredients:

Note: DO NOT add butter to your baked potato - you may as well kiss your heart goodbye by destroying the potato in this way. Add the low fat mozzarella cheese directly to the potato (before the other ingredients) and it will serve the same purpose as butter (but taste better and feel better).

Topping your baked potato with a selection of these ingredients gives you a ton of flavor with a wonderful potassium:sodium gift to your heart:

Ingredients P(otassium)/S(odium)/F(at) Counts
Baked Potato 610mg P, 8mg S, 0.16g F 610mg P, 8mg S, 0.16g F 610mg P, 8mg S, 0.16g F 610mg P, 8mg S, 0.16g F
1/4 cup Low Fat Mozzarella 40mg P, 180mg S, 5g F 40mg P, 180mg S, 5g F 40mg P, 180mg S, 5g F 40mg P, 180mg S, 5g F
1 TBSP Low Sodium Salsa 40mg P, 43mg S, 0g F 40mg P, 43mg S, 0g F 40mg P, 43mg S, 0g F 40mg P, 43mg S, 0g F
1/2 cup Steamed Broccoli 130mg P, 10mg S, 0.1g F      
1 cup Steamed Broccoli   261mg P, 20mg S, 0.2g F    
1/2 cup Vegetable Medley     424mg P, 6mg S, 0.6g F  
1 cup Vegetable Medley       848mg P, 12mg S, 1.2g F
Nutrition Facts 820mg P, 241mg S, 5.26g F 951mg P, 251mg S, 5.36g F 1114mg P, 237mg S, 5.76g F 1538mg P, 243mg S, 6.35g F
Potassium:Sodium Ratio3.4:13.8:14.7:16.3:1

Summary: dress up a baked potato with low fat mozzarella & salsa for flavor, veggies for flavor & potassium and wind up with a tasty 3:1 to 6:1 high potassium/low sodium/low fat treat for your heart healthy meal.

Consider this... If you use 1/8 a cup of mozzarella (instead of 1/4) and do not find this as a sacrifice to taste, then your baked potato treat is a whopping 5:1 to 10:1 treat!

Revised Nutrition with 1/8 cup of Mozzarella instead of 1/4
Nutrition Facts 800mg P, 151mg S, 2.75g F 931mg P, 161mg S, 2.86g F 1094mg P, 147mg S, 3.26g F 1518mg P, 153mg S, 3.85g F
Potassium:Sodium Ratio5.3:15.8:17.4:19.9:1

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