(1) I could go to a doctor, get prescribed some scary sounding drugs, not understand why I had HBP, discover the unfortunate side effects (every drug has some) and live a life addicted to a drug I feared for a disease I did not understand.
Sorry for the negative view of the healthcare industry; but this pattern is the only pattern I have ever experienced with the medical/pharmaceutical industry...
(2) I could learn about the disease myself and construct a profile of my body/life against the disease. From here I could build a lifestyle and natural plan to reduce my blood pressure.
Given my clear bias, I obviously chose approach #2 and started on a path to understand HBP, why I had it and how I get rid of it. Sounded simple, but... Do a google search for "lowering high blood pressure" and you get 24 million results! Do a google search for "lowering high blood pressure naturally" and you get 20 million results! I went to my local library and found row after row of books about HBP!
I visited the first 400 results from each google search and skimmed a dozen books in the library. Below are the two resources I found that best explained HBP to me and taught me how to adjust my lifestyle to lower blood pressure. Hopefully these vetted starting points can help others get to results instead of spending days/weeks looking for good, unbiased starting points...
Great online overview: Natural Remedies for High Blood Pressure
Great book with pointers/references to studies backing up all the findings: What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Hypertension: The Revolutionary Nutrition and Lifestyle Program to Help Fight High Blood Pressure
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